Privacy Policy

Best-practice privacy standards

Mitch Studio is committed to protecting your personal information by allowing you to understand what kind of information we collect and how it is used. This Privacy Policy is in accordance with the National Privacy Principles developed by the Australian Privacy Commissioner.

Collecting Information

When you visit the Mitch Studio Web Site at, the personal information we collect is:

  • what you tell us about yourself, for instance through emailing us, or sending a message through other means.
  • information from other sources if necessary, with your consent.

Our use and disclosure of your personal information

Mitch Studio will not use or disclose any information about you without your consent unless legally required to do so. We will take all reasonable steps to:

  • keep information we hold about you secure, accurate and up to date; and
  • ensure that our employees and volunteers respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by us.
  • Electronic mail addresses will not be added to a mailing list unless by consent.

How to access, correct or update your information

If at any time you want to know what personal information is held about you on our web site, you may request the details of that information by contacting Mitch Studio website administration, by email at, (addressed to Mitch Studio Administration) or post:

Mitch Studio
166 High St,
Ashburton, VIC 3147

We will endeavour to provide you with the information within seven business days.

Information Logged

The following information is logged for statistical purposes only when you visit our web site:

  • your IP server address
  • your top level domain name
  • the date and time of your visit to the site
  • the pages you accessed and documents downloaded
  • the previous site you have visited
  • the type of browser you are using.

Links to other sites

This site contains links to other sites. Mitch Studio is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites.

Contact Details

You should notify us immediately if you believe there has been any unauthorised use of information you have provided by contacting website administration at the address above.

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